
AIIMS pharmacist previous year question papers March 2023

AIIMS Delhi does not disclose examination papers to the students. Even AIIMS does not provide Exam paper under RTI Act 2005 as considering paper as “constituted intellectual property” of AIIMS. Download AIIMS Pharmacist Question as pdf at the end of page Memory Based Q.1)     Which of the following antibiotic is not given orally *[a]      Gentamycin

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AIIMS, Pharmacist, Question Paper, Exam, 2023, Pharmapedia, the Pharmapedia, ThePharmapedia

Differential staining: Gram staining & Acid-fast staining technique

As name indicates these technique imparts different colour to different bacteria or bacterial structure. It allows us to differentiate between different kinds of bacterial cells or different parts of a bacterial cell. Differential stain technique includes the following technique:- 1. Gram staining 2. Acid Fast staining/Zeihl-Neelsen staining 3. Albert’s stains 1. Gram staining The most

Differential staining: Gram staining & Acid-fast staining technique Read More »

Differential staining, Gram staining, Acid-fast staining, technique, Microbiology, Pharmacy notes, Pharmapedia, ThePharmapedia
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